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The Marina High School Surf Team is made up of skilled and devoted student-athletes who possess an incredible ability to conquer the waves with precision and fervor.  We pour our hearts into every wave we ride. We're a determined bunch, always pushing ourselves to improve and giving it our all because for us, being part of this team is about the camaraderie, the joy of surfing, and the satisfaction of knowing we've given it our best shot.

MHS Surf Team Boosters

The MHS Surf Team Boosters aims to promote, maintain, and support the goals of the MHS Surf Team Program by involving students, families, the school, and the community and, additionally, providing financial support. ​We are an all-volunteer 501c3 organization.

2023-24 Executive Board

Sonya Hatch, President

Andrea Putteet, Vice President

Tracy Pinkman Mockler, Treasurer
Colleen Mulhall-Briski, Secretary

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